
Deployed on May 17this update 1.04 indeed lists “the hair and fur patterns associated with important characters“who have obviously”been revised to improve performance“. No need to mod to make each other balder than a mouse? In any case, it is to be hoped for.

Still in the rank of improvements, the publisher claims that “the anti-aliasing algorithms have been adjusted to reduce the appearance of irregularities“, which concerns pretty much all platforms except the Xbox One, which will still be biding its time. In terms of content, the development team has also implemented a “combat simulator” to easily test jobs and equipment sets without having to launch a larger mission. A new feature also allows you to adjust the display of some of the visual effects related to the acolytes; and in a game that offers the particularity of being played with two bots the vast majority of the time, this gain in readability shouldn’t hurt.

Also note the appearance of an overlay of validation before activating the automatic optimization of equipment, to avoid unfortunate combinations; it will also be possible to limit this optimization to allies only. We naturally let you refer to the list of modifications at this address for all other small adjustments.

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The post Stranger of Paradise Fixes Hair in Latest Update – GameSpot appeared first on Gamingsym.