
On May 18, the Jinan Intermediate People’s Court announced that Tencent’s lawsuit against vivo for unfair competition will be held on May 20.

It is reported that this round of litigation is Tencent’s application treasure v. vivo using the advantages of the underlying system of mobile phones,By inserting pop-up windows, text, buttons, setting risk detection, etc., restrict users from downloading and installing App Store normally and downloading and installing apps through App Storeand induce users to download or install applications in vivo’s own application store, so as to obtain more traffic and commercial benefits.

The court has previously made a civil ruling on behavior preservation, requiring vivo to immediately stop inserting pop-up windows, text, buttons, setting risk detection, etc. Behavior.

With the rapid development of the Internet industry, various applications have emerged one after another. According to data from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, by the end of 2020, the number of apps monitored in my country’s market was 3.45 million. It is precisely because the app market is an important “first traffic entry” for new apps. , third-party app stores and mobile phone manufacturers’ own app stores compete with each other and play against each other.

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