
Following the release of iOS 15.5 and macOS Monterey 12.4, Apple has released a massive update to Swift Playgrounds 4.1 for iPad and Mac.

For those who don’t know, the Swift Playgrounds sandbox is designed to teach users how to code and build apps.

The Swift Playgrounds 4.1 update for Mac brings many new features, including support for building macOS apps with SwiftUI with macOS 12.4 or later, walkthroughs that teach the basics of building SwiftUI apps, live updates in App Preview as changes are made and App Store Connect and integration for downloading ready-made applications in the ‌App Store‌.

The iPadOS version of Swift Playgrounds 4.1 includes a new “Keep Going with Apps” feature that helps users better understand how data moves within apps.

Swift Playgrounds for Mac or iPad can be downloaded for free from the App Store.

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