
For Microsoft, while continuing to develop Windows 11, it is also necessary to strengthen the linkage between this system and Android.

In a new job listing, Microsoft has confirmed that it is consolidating its Android work into a unit called “Android Microsoft Platform and Experience.” The move could lead to further integration between Windows 11 and Android, which means Microsoft’s focus may not be limited to just Samsung phones now.

Earlier this week, Microsoft posted several job postings for its new division, “Microsoft Platform and Experiences for Android,” which aims to bring apps/services Phone Link or Your Phone, SwiftKey, Microsoft Launcher, and the “Surface Duo experience” together. “Including other services into one department.

Although Microsoft has confirmed that it will no longer make phones,But the company can still create an interoperable experience similar to an iPhone and a macOS computer. By doubling down on Android efforts and integration, Microsoft can convince more people to use Windows 11 for their everyday tasks.

Microsoft recently updated the SwiftKey keyboard with Windows clipboard sync, and the company also rebranded the Your Phone app to PhoneLink and supports Honor devices, suggesting that the existing exclusive partnership with Samsung could change.

If you need to reprint, please be sure to indicate the source: Fast Technology

Responsible editor: Snowflakearticle error correction

Hashtags: Windows 11MicrosoftAndroid

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