
Stock up soon?It is reported that Apple will act in September this year: it wants to give up the whole series of the iPhone 11

As a generation of magic machines, the iPhone 11 series should be completely abandoned by Apple soon, which is also to make way for its own SE and other series.

According to the latest reports from foreign media, Apple will stop production of its own iPhone 11 and 11 mini models in September this year, after the release of the iPhone 14 series. The reason for this is also to streamline the current product line.

In fact, as early as 2020, Apple has already discontinued the rest of the iPhone 11 series. The iPhone 11 is a mobile phone product released by Apple at 1:00 a.m. on September 11, 2019 at the Steve Jobs Theater.

The iPhone 11 uses an aluminum alloy frame and front and rear glass panels, with six colors: purple, white, green, yellow, black, and red; width: 75.7 mm, height: 150.9 mm, thickness: 8.3 mm, weight: 194 grams.

iPhone 11 uses A13 bionic chip; built-in GPS/GNSS; equipped with two 12-megapixel ultra-wide-angle and wide-angle cameras; 128G and 256G are optional.

If you need to reprint, please be sure to indicate the source: Fast Technology

Responsible editor: Snowflakearticle error correction

Hashtags: iPhone 11iPhone 11 ProiPhone 11 Pro Max

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The post Stock up soon?It is reported that Apple will act in September this year: it wants to give up the entire iPhone 11 series-iPhone 11, iPhone 11 Pro, iPhone 11 Pro Max – Kuai Technology (Driven Home’s media) – Technology changes the future appeared first on Gamingsym.