
monster hunter rise is one of the big third-party exclusives of the nintendo-switch– in any case on consoles, the game being released at the beginning of the year on PC. If you’re a fan, you must be eagerly awaiting the arrival of its first big expansion, Sunbreak which is almost a new game… We have already given you all the information in our previous news and in particular in a special news to find HERE. However, it is good to remember a small important detail: Sunbreak will take nearly 13 GB of space in the memory or on the micro-SD card of your console. Plan ahead if you plan to buy the extension but also simply if you play online with it. Monster Hunter Rise.

In effect, from next June 30 whether or not you buy the extension Sunbreak you will be forced to download the 13 GB additional data, at least if you want to continue playing online. This “big” update will include weapon balances, item packs and character edit tickets. Knowing that Monster Hunter Rise already weighs 10.7 GB, from June 30its weight will pass on theeShop over 23.7 GB.

As a reminder, MHR: Sunbreak will be available June 30, 2022 on I’eShop of the nintendo-switch at the price of 39.99€. Note that the expansion will only be playable once the story of monster hunter rise finished. Finally, don’t forget that new amiibo and a controller Nintendo Switch Pro in the image of Malzeno will be available at the same time- see details HERE

Release date, price, history, Deluxe Edition… Find all the latest info on the Sunbreak expansion​


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