
The upcoming Geforce RTX 40 series of graphics cards is now rumored to be launched much earlier than previously thought. Instead of a launch sometime during the autumn, the graphics cards are said to appear during the summer.

For a long time, Nvidia’s next generation of graphics cards is expected to be launched sometime in 2022. Historically, Nvidia has usually launched its new architectures during the autumn. Now a new rumor says that the manufacturer may skip a launch in connection with the winter darkness starting to creep in and instead launch its new units already in the middle of summer.

It is the Twitter profile kopite7kimi that often has a finger in the pie when it comes to hardware leaks that come with the information. According to the leak, Nvidia will aim to launch the architecture Lovelace already during the third quarter of the year.

The Twitter profile claims that it will be early in the third quarter. Something that would then mean a launch sometime during the month of July. This would mean that Nvidia launches the next generation of graphics cards during what is otherwise something of a quiet period during the year in terms of new hardware.

Exactly why the Geforce RTX 40 series would appear in the middle of the summer is not clear. We know that AMD is preparing its architecture RDNA 3 and Intel is on its way with its first discrete graphics cards. A potentially fierce competition from these two rivals could be an explanation. If it turns out that the Geforce RTX 40 series will be launched very well in July or August, it means with a little luck that more official information about the devices will not be much longer.

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