
One of the characters that ech echaron de menos los fans of the Capcom saga in Resident Evil 8: Village fue the possibility of playing the ttulo of principle at the end of virtual reality, an option that is available for launch in the version of Resident Evil 7 for PS4 thanks to the PS VR. For sure, el mud Praydogdel ya os hemos hablado en anteriores ocasiones por llevar la realadad virtual a Resident Evil 2 Remake, Resident Evil 3 Remake y Resident Evil 7 in its PC versions thanks to a Couragehas launched its first version of the same Courage pair Village with impressive results and as you can see in the next video:

Ian Higton, member of Eurogamer, has tried the mod in primicia y, as pods appreciate in the video, it is not easy. El Courage account with a level of care that, ms all of allow us to play with a conventional mandate, allow users to connect special mandates to make complete moves. Praydog tiene la intencin de lanzar el Courage of completely free manner for the ordering players to be able to experiment with the first man the octave entry number of Resident Evil from a new and immersive perspective; can support their future projects in the trajectory of their pgina de Patreon.

How can we get the DLC from Village?

Capcom announces the principle of the celebrity of the Capcom Showcase of the E3 2021 which, by popular demand, has decided to start the development of DLC for Resident Evil Village. At the moment, the company nipona has not wanted to pronounce on these expansions that can include content that is descended during the development of the title, although we do not have extras that we will include the theme in view of the good things he has chosen play since its launch.

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