
In the past March, the domestic narrow passenger car market sold 1.579 million units, a year-on-year decrease of 10.5%, and an increase of 25.6% from the 1.250 million units in February. Among them, the sales of new energy passenger vehicles in the narrow sense reached 445,000 units, a year-on-year increase of 137.6%, and a month-on-month increase of 63.1% from 273,000 units in February. In the new energy SUV market, Tesla Model Y once again surpassed BYD Song and won the top sales. BYD Yuan PLUS, BYD Tang, and BYD Yuan also entered the top 15, but the overall ranking dropped from the previous month, ranking fourth and fourth respectively. 6. No. 15; Although Ideal ONE has been controversial, its sales and ranking have risen again, ranking No. 3; Aian Y is a dark horse, rising from No. 10 last month to No. 5 this month. It is worth mentioning that the Wenjie M5 jointly launched by Huawei and Celis entered the list for the first time, with monthly sales of 3,045 units, ranking 12th. In terms of new forces, a total of 7 models successfully entered the top 15, an increase of 3 models from March, namely Leapmotor C11, Wenjie M5, and Weilai EC6. Let’s see how it goes! TOP1: Tesla Model Y March sales: 39,730 units even with Model Y sales.
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