
The racing game Need for Speed ​​3: Hot Pursuit was originally launched in 1998 and therefore already has 24 years old. However, within the community it is still considered one of the best and most popular games of the series. how would it be in a modern graphic robe appearance? The modder also asked this question David Kerekes and published the more than impressive result of his efforts in the form of a video.

Need for Speed ​​meets Unreal Engine 5

Kerekes has made it its mission to Need for Speed ​​3: Hot Pursuit into the current version the Unreal Engine 5 to port. The first results of his work on a corresponding mod are definitely worth seeing. According to their own statements, the porting is still in one very early initial phase, the work had only recently begun. So far he could only the areas of Atlantica and Hometown install. But this material alone makes a difference.

According to David Kerekes, the work is equal several modding tools as well as some special tricks to get the content as clean as possible in the Unreal Engine 5 to be able to transfer. At the moment, he cannot say when the project will be completed. That recently published video but leaves you wanting more.

The post That’s how grandiose Need for Speed ​​3 looks in the Unreal Engine 5 appeared first on Gamingsym.