
Today, a milk tea in the shape of laundry detergent has attracted widespread attention and discussion. Many netizens worry that this design will mislead children and lead to accidents.

According to Red Star Newsthe recent report,today,The staff of the Nanjing Local Market Supervision Bureau said that they have received relevant complaints, and the Jianye District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau is about to launch an investigation, and there will be a preliminary result within 15 days.

It is reported that this controversial milk tea originated in Nanjing. It is a Thai-style milk tea product launched by a restaurant called Nanyeli. It is 18 yuan per barrel (500ml) and is sought after because it satisfies the curiosity of young people. There is even a purchasing business.

Before the regulatory authorities intervened, a lawyer once pointed out that,This milk tea is very similar in appearance to laundry detergent, but there is a fundamental difference between edible and inedible, and there should be warning signs or Chinese warnings in accordance with the law.

Therefore, if a consumer suffers personal and property safety damage due to the misleading packaging of milk tea, the manufacturer and operator can be legally required to bear the corresponding liability for compensation.

If you need to reprint, please be sure to indicate the source: Fast Technology

Responsible editor: Nai Hearticle error correction

Hashtag: milk tea laundry detergent hot discussion among netizens

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