
Longterm Games is a young Polish studio created during the pandemic. They recently announced their first game, Space Tail: Every Journey Leads Home. This is a space story in the form of a 2.5D platformer. We follow the adventures of Béa, a dog sent into space as a scout. Because it is indeed of these real facts, produced at the beginning of the space conquest, which is inspired Albert Rokicki and Robert Oglodziński, head of the studio. Before humans explored the cosmos, it was animals that paved the way to the stars.

As we can see in the announcement trailer, the visual touch will speak to fans of Ori and the Blind Forest, Inside or Limbo. The senses of the canine will be useful to progress in the adventure. Indeed, Bea is not a four-legged superhero. She will only be able to trust her sight, her hearing, her flair and her instinct. During her journey, she will meet two companions: Comet Rose and the 8088Y robot. They will provide her with invaluable help in solving the puzzles she will have to overcome and will even influence the final outcome of the adventure.

Primarily, Space Tail is meant to entertain, but should also make players think, because it’s not just a story about a dog in space. It’s a tribute to all the animals guiding humans to the stars and a journey back in time, where all of us played retro platformers.

Robert Ogłodziński, Executive Producer

Space Tail: Every Journey Leads Home will be released this fall on Switch and Steam. A release on our consoles is planned a little later and confirmed by the studio.

The article Space Tail: Every Journey Leads Home soon on our consoles appeared first on XboxSquad.fr.

The post Space Tail: Every Journey Leads Home soon on our consoles appeared first on Gamingsym.