
Despite what’s going on in the world, Yandex.Station second generation nevertheless came out: it is similar to previous models, although, according to the developers, it has changed very much. An updated column from Yandex was announced back in the winter, and since then no news has been received, except for the fact that the first Yandex.Station was finally discontinued. As time has shown, we did not wait in vain: the column really turned out to be cool and definitely got better. We tell you how the new Yandex.Station works, what features have been added to it, and how much does Yandex.Station 2 cost.

A new Yandex.Station has been released. Let’s talk about what has changed


New Yandex Station

Update a smart column from Yandex has been asking for a long time: whatever one may say, almost 4 years have passed since the release of the first generation. First Yandex.Station although it still works without any problems, the appearance definitely does not correspond to the spirit of the time: the company made a bet on this by redesigning the gadget. Now you can recognize the column by its silhouette, but on the top panel there is no longer the usual “twist” – now there is LED light panel. Alice has also moved there: now she not only lights up when you talk to her, but also serves as a night light.

The new Yandex.Station has changed a lot, but is still recognizable

Three modes are currently available: lava lamp, night light and candle. The animation adapts to the playing music, due to which you can arrange a full-fledged party. Also, the light bar displays various animations when you are talking to Alice: it displays a heart when you like a track, and so on. Very clever. The speaker is now controlled by touch: using the touch panel, you can control the volume, switch tracks, activate Aliceas well as pause the track, answer the call or turn off the alarm.

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Smart Home Yandex

Smart home devices from Yandex have also become even better: now they have added ZigBee control protocol, which will allow you to control smart home devices without the Internet and not load the router. You also do not need a gateway – it is already in the column itself. True, Yandex.Station itself must still be connected to Wi-Fi, so ZigBee, in fact, was not particularly useful – devices will still work with each other using the Internet.

In the kit, you can immediately buy smart home devices at a nice price

On the other hand, ZigBee allows you to connect smart home devices faster (just tell Alice to find it), high interaction speed and greater distance between devices, as well as low power consumption – the protocol activates sleep mode when you are not using them. With the new Yandex.Station, you can purchase a kit from four devices.

  • Smart lamp;
  • Wireless button (it can be used instead of a doorbell or set up any command);
  • Motion and light sensor to turn on a smart lamp without asking;
  • Temperature and humidity sensor: with it, you can set the automation and automatically turn on the air conditioner if it gets hot.

What does the new Yandex.Station sound like?

Surprisingly, but capacity of the new Yandex.Station significantly decreased: from 50 watts to 30 watts. Only two stereo speakers were installed instead of three, but they assured that the sound was improved – for this, an aperiodic grille was added to the design, which reduces sound distortion when playing music, and the new room correction technology adjusts the sound to the features of the room: for example, the speaker will sound differently if you place it on a shelf or against a wall, and the equalizer will adjust in 30 seconds to make the sound better.

Only two speakers were left, but the sound definitely did not get worse

By the way, the number of microphones was also reduced from 7 to 4, but there is nothing wrong with that. It turned out that so much is not needed: Yandex.Station Light hears you perfectly, having only 4 microphones, so they decided to make the same number in the new model, at the same time reducing the cost. If desired mute microphone by pressing the physical button on the back. Speaker Can be paired with other devices. There are two convenient modes.

  • Multiroom: this feature allows you to start playback at once on all Yandex.Stations in the house, if there are several of them, and also control it by changing the volume, if necessary, on both or one of them.
  • Stereo pair: any two identical speakers can be paired with each other to get more surround sound.
  • Tandem: works with Yandex.Module and helps control playback by voice or gestures.

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How much does Yandex Station 2 cost

You can pre-order now and receive the column in early June

Surprisingly, in the editorial office, we expected that the cost of a smart speaker would exceed 20,000 rubles. But no. Here Yandex.Station 2 prices:

  • Yandex.Station 2 — 16,990 rubles.
  • Yandex.Station 2 with a set of devices — 18,990 rubles.

As you can see Yandex.Station cost turned out to be quite acceptable. Pre-order of the new Yandex.Station is already started, and sales will start on May 31. So far, Yandex.Station is available for order in black, but in the summer the company promises to release other colors. There will be four in total:

  • “Anthracite”.
  • “Cobalt”.
  • “Sand”.
  • “Copper”.

Buy a new Yandex.Station

The company has already reported that the column of the first generation was discontinued and even dedicated a touching video to it. The copy will be installed in the Yandex Museum, so you can always come in and find out how it all began!

Special thanks to the journalist for the photos AppleInsider.ru Artyom Sutyagin. By the way, very soon he will tell you about the full experience of using the new Yandex.Station 2. Necessarily subscribe to our Telegram channelso you don’t miss anything!

The post Yandex.Station 2 has been released. What has changed and where to buy appeared first on Gamingsym.