
Can not change the registry! The clock in the lower right corner of Win11 cannot call up the second hand. Microsoft responded: it will affect performance

Have friends who have upgraded to Windows 11 found that the second hand cannot be adjusted in the lower right corner of the desktop?

According to WL, on Windows 11, Microsoft “completely” blocked the second hand display, and even the way to modify the registry was blocked. Compared with Win10, it is really inhumane.

When talking to netizens who mentioned this in the Feedback Center, Microsoft technicians replied that for now, Win11 does not support the display of the second hand, but everyone’s opinions have been shared with the team.

So why is this?

You must know that in the 1990s, the Windows system could choose whether to display the second hand or not. At that time, the memory was only 4MB. Now that 8GB is popular, why is it “reversing”?

The article explains that the second hand is a strong refresh process. Microsoft considers that if there are multiple user login scenarios, such as 100 users, then 100 independent processes that cannot be killed need to be created to ensure the second hand refreshes, which will increase the CPU. Occupancy rate.

Second, Microsoft points out that some people may not know that some server administrators even turn off the taskbar clock display in order to save power.

One last reason is that second hand activity prevents Windows 11 from going into low power mode.

Can not change the registry! The clock in the lower right corner of Win11 cannot call up the second hand. Microsoft responded: it will affect performance

If you need to reprint, please be sure to indicate the source: Fast Technology

Responsible editor: Wan Nanarticle error correction

Hashtags: Windows 11 Microsoft Clock

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