Thank you IT home netizens OC_Formula The clue is delivered!

IT House April 17 news, recently Pico released its latest headset Pico Neo Link 3 at the Laval Virtual exhibition in France, priced at 449 euros (about 3098 yuan), and the number is limited.

Pico Neo Link 3 has a total of 4 cameras with a display resolution of 3664×1920 and a refresh rate of up to 90Hz.Powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon XR2 processor, the headset has 6GB of RAM and 256GB of storage, with two controllers. In addition to native games including “After The Fall” and “Demeo”,The headset will support wireless streaming to a PC to access SteamVR games and over 200 6DOF titles from the Pico Store.

The headset will be limited to European markets such as Germany, France, Spain and the Netherlands at first, and will be launched in the UK market in June at a price of 400 pounds (about 3,304 yuan), followed by other regions month by month.

IT House learned that Pico is a brand of Beijing Xiaoniaokan Technology Co., Ltd. Founded in March 2015, it is a technology company focusing on mobile virtual reality technology and product research and development, and is committed to building the world’s leading mobile VR (virtual reality) hardware and content platform. On August 29, 2021, Pico issued a full-staff letter disclosing that it had been acquired by Byte and will be merged into Byte VR-related business lines.

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