
Two months have passed since the blocking of Instagram * in Russia – it’s time to take stock of how it affected the lives of users. During this time, restrictions were introduced in other social networks, but it seems that this did not frighten anyone. Despite this, blocking Instagram* in Russia proved to be a landmark. Apparently, our readers were right, who said that life would continue without the social network: one gets the feeling that there were no restrictions, but they forgot about it in just two months. I watched what’s going on with instagram* now – I tell you about the consequences.

Two months ago, Instagram was blocked in Russia. What has changed since then?


Blocking Instagram in Russia 2022

Let me remind you that Instagram* blocked for incitement to violence, and the ban on the social network was not long in coming: it seems that Meta * was not against and did not even try to somehow justify or change its policy. On the contrary, Instagram* the other day started massively block Russian users in response. There is no clear wording why the page is blocked: the user only receives a notification that the page is suspicious activity detected. At the same time, this happens on different pages, and the likely reason is the use of a VPN or “fake geolocation”.

It seems that everyone forgot about Instagram blocking * – the service lives, but they began to use it less

Instagram* was blocked exactly two months ago: during this time, users have gone through all 5 stages, with the exception of depression. Personally, I have not met a single person who would be very much killed because of a non-working social network. Yes, and it is difficult to call it such: not without crutches, of course, but everyone who needs it is used to living with a VPN. Fortunately, using Instagram* is not against the lawand even officials continue to use it.

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How to replace Instagram

Analogues Instagram * failed – none of the social networks has become a full-fledged replacement

During these months, it became known about several projects at once, which were supposed to replace Instagram. It seems that it didn’t work out, but you definitely heard about these analogues.

True, so far none of the services has managed to become massive. Rossgram was supposed to be launched at the end of March-beginning of April, but so far the only thing known about it is that it is being actively promoted and exclusive nicknames are being sold. The rest of the social networks have remained niche: there are definitely someone sitting on them, but who these people are is not very clear. To be honest, I haven’t seen them yet. It turned out that replace Instagram not so easy (and is it necessary?), and if you try, then you need to act as quickly as possible. Preferably start running analogue of Insta It should have been much earlier – about a year ago.

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What’s up with Instagram today

Before the lockdown, I logged into Instagram* about 5 times a day every day, now I do it every two or three days. Firstly, this is due to the fact that every time now you have to turn on VPN by going to Settings. And Instagram itself * has become somewhat impoverished: back in April, I noticed that story views have dropped – instead of 70 views, they became only 40-50, no more. Personally, I stopped watching all Reels at all: VPN loads everything with difficulty, so viewing turns into quiet horror and brings little pleasure.

Using Instagram* has now become inconvenient and uninteresting

By the way, the number of published stories by Russian users has also dropped noticeably: it used to take about 10-15 minutes, but now it takes no more than 2-3 minutes. There is simply nothing to watch, and there is no one to upload for anyone: many friends did not bother with installing a VPN and thought that Instagram blocking* is a great reason to leave the social network: thus, the number of incoming messages with links to Instagram* has dropped to zero, as well as the very mention of the social network in communication with friends over the past two months.

Those who needed Instagram* still use it without problems

Those who really needed to use Instagram* remained online: the fitness club where I used to work began to post stories much more often. Coaches and clients do the same – as if there were no restrictions. By the way, some friends Instagram* works without VPN still. One of my friends uses the social network for some kind of self-realization: the blocking did not scare him and, according to the sensations, he began to spend time online much more than before. To be honest, I don’t understand his zeal: it’s like holding a school disco when a third of the visitors have gone home.

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In any case, people have found a solution, what to do without instagram*: someone began to watch YouTube more (although there is also less content there), someone reads the news in Telegram. Some focused on work and it helped them. So we can safely say that two months without Instagram* nothing happened – it is unlikely that something will happen in six months or a year.

By the way, a year ago we told you what would happen if you give up Instagram* and take a break – be sure to read it!

Instagram* is a banned service owned by Meta*, a recognized extremist organization in Russia.

The post What happens to Instagram* after blocking? personal observation appeared first on Gamingsym.