
IT House reported on April 16 that with the completion of the Axiom 1 mission, NASA has also begun preparations for the Crew-4 mission. The NASA Crew-4 launch mission was originally scheduled for April 20, and NASA now says it will launch no earlier than 17:26 on April 23, Beijing time. No major problems have been found in flight preparations.

“Right now, everything looks good, and we have a clear path to our launch opportunity on April 23,” said Jared Metter, SpaceX’s director of flight reliability. SpaceX will then launch a Dragon spacecraft from KSC’s Pad 39A on a Falcon 9 rocket.

Astronauts on the mission included NASA astronauts Shel Lindgren, Bob Hines and Jessica Watkins, and ESA astronaut Samantha Christopher Reti, who Getting ready for the next trip to the International Space Station.

IT House has reported that Ax-1 was launched from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center (KSC) in Florida last Friday and has now reached the space station. Like Crew-4, it uses SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket and Dragon spacecraft, where the crew of four will stay for eight days and complete some experiments.

“NASA SpaceX Crew-4 astronauts enter quarantine, ready to fly to space station for mission”

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