
Play as two sisters (simultaneously) and spank demon ass.

Reply Game Studios is getting ready to release its action game Soulstice sometime this fall, and now they have shown off the first gameplay. You shoulder the role as a type of chimera consisting of two sisters, where Briar has physical form and Lute takes the form of a spirit that floats above her.

Briar uses several different weapons, including swords, bows and a large glove to whip opponents, while Lute fires off range attacks and engages in “crowd control”. Lute has several different attacks, of which she handles some herself and others that the player himself has control over. Her abilities also seem to be used in puzzles.

Furthermore, they can burn off powerful combination attacks and even put themselves in the “rapture” state, where they seem to get faster and do more damage. In addition to regular battles, mammoth boss fighters are also promised.

The plot focuses on a dark fantasy theme, and the sister duo’s voices are made by Stefanie Joosten, who also played Quiet in Metal Gear Solid 5. More info on the game Steam page.

It will be released sometime this fall for Playstation 5, Xbox Series X / S and PC.

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