
IT House April 16 news, according to 9to5 Mac report, starting this summer, users can use Unreal Engine to create and play games on iOS and Mac. Core is a free and currently Windows PC-only application available on the Epic Games Store. The app itself runs on Unreal Engine from developer Manticore Games.

The news was announced on the Epic Games Store on the first anniversary of Core, which has more than 50,000 playable “games, worlds, and events.” There will be cross-platform support between iOS, macOS and Windows versions of Core apps. Developers can already start preparing their mobile games with a “kit” of iOS optimization tools.

Core isn’t the only platform bringing Metaverse-like games to mobile. Meta has just announced the introduction of Horizon Worlds to the web and mobile devices – currently only available on its virtual reality headsets. As virtual worlds become a normal part of gaming, it looks like we’ll continue to see more of this on Apple devices.

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