
Prince Radovid, Gallatin, Milva, Mistle.

Netflix has started filming the third season of The Witcher, and thus the dream of seven witch suites lives on. Of course, a new season means new faces to get to know, and now they present Netflix-Witchers Prince Radovid, Gallatin, Milva and Mistle.

Hugh Skinner makes Prince Radovid, a “royal playboy”while Mistle (Christelle Elwin) is part of a gang that steals from the rich and gives to themselves “and sometimes the poor”. Robbie Amell made Chris Redfield last year in the new Resident Evil movie, and plays Gallatin here, “made to war”. Meng’er Zhang is our Milva, a human warrior who has become part of the dryads in Brokilon Forest.

We have also received a draft of what the third season means, in terms of story.

Entrusted with Ciri’s magical training, Yennefer leads them to the protected fortress of Aretuza, where she hopes to discover more about the girl’s untapped powers; instead, they discover they’ve landed in a battlefield of political corruption, dark magic, and treachery.

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