
In the windy and sunny weather, I drove all the way to the open and beautiful scenery of the suburbs, set up a tent, set up a small square table, and overlooked the fields and sky, temporarily forgetting fatigue and melancholy.

Don’t patronize and enjoy, your phone may be stolen before you know it.

According to Jiangsu News,Recently, the police in Nanning, Guangxi detected a case of camping theft. The thief used a homemade fishing rod and a suction cup to steal a mobile phone “fishing”.

According to reports,On May 7, the suspect, Xue Mou, used a homemade fishing rod to “fish” the mobile phone on the lawn of the park when the victim, Ms. Chen, was unprepared with the child. After escaping 200 meters, he was caught by plainclothes police.

The police demonstrated that the fishing rod was more than 2 meters long after it was stretched out. A small white suction cup was installed on the top, and it was easily sucked up by pressing it on the screen of the mobile phone.

At present, many mobile phones are made of glass on the front and back, and the weight is often less than 200g.

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Hashtags: fishing rod smartphone camping

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