Overwatch 2 will finally be approached at the end of the month through a closed beta of the mode pvp. The opportunity to discover the gameplay in 5 vs 5, new cards, but above all sojournthe new Heroin of the franchise. And while waiting to embody it, Blizzard shares a video showcasing the character’s origins :
Yes sojourn is also featured in Overwatch 2it’s because I’Heroin was squad captain Overwatch, a mission far from simple despite his cybernetic abilities. And justly, sojourn was also treated to a long presentation on Twitch, then to another video summarizing its capabilities. Nothing new here if you’ve ever seen trailers forOverwatch 2, sojourn is equipped with an assault rifle, she is able to perform slides to move quicklyto draw opponents into a kind of small gravitational well and fire charged projectiles. Blizzard details:
The Rail Cannon’s primary fire sends out projectiles rapidly that generate energy on impact. The energy Sojourn recovers from his primary fire allows him to charge his secondary fire, a powerful shot that consumes the stored energy. “Track Cannon is where it all started for Sojourn,” says Josh Noh. We wanted a mid-range hero that was precision-focused, but still fun to play at all skill levels. Sojourn can be a little tricky to get to: the better you aim, the more effective you’ll be with his Railgun, which gives him some impressive potential, especially with all the power of his Railgun’s secondary fire.
His style of play is closely linked to his character and personality. “Sojourn is very rigorous, meticulous, which in my opinion translates into the fact that her abilities are very much based on precision. She is an excellent tactician who plans everything before taking action,” explains Miranda Moyer.
Disruptive Shot is an area of effect ability that slows opponents and inflicts damage. Sojourn can take advantage of this to improve the effectiveness of his Railgun. Early prototypes of this ability damaged screens, but in its final version, it mostly complements secondary fire. “Disruptive Shot has evolved from destroying barriers to slowing down enemies so Sojourn can aim more easily with his secondary fire. »
It is therefore better to keep an eye on the heroine: if you find yourself the victim of her Disruptive Shot, it is likely that she has you in the crosshairs. “Sojourn’s cybernetic abilities help her eliminate variables,” says Miranda Moyer. Disruptive Shot has a slowing effect that improves its chances of firing accurately, minimizing the chance of error. »
Sojourn’s Tackle adds great mobility to her arsenal. She glides on the ground using thrusters and can follow up at any time with a high jump. Used well, this ability allows Sojourn to be repositioned very quickly. “We wanted to add some verticality to her arsenal, so she could quickly access high vantage points and to reinforce her role as a mobile DPS,” explains Josh Noh.
“His abilities are an integral part of his cybernetic body which allows him to accomplish his objectives,” adds Miranda Moyer. Sojourn has experienced many technological improvements throughout his life, first out of necessity as a child. She also acquired several on her own when she was in the military. Sojourn selected her modifications to become the most effective fighter possible, unlike Genji, who had no choice but to transform into a cyborg. For the new heroine, her cybernetic body and her abilities are only means to an end; only its objective counts.
- Overclock (ultimate ability)
Sojourn’s ultimate ability automatically charges energy from her Railgun for a short time. His shots are then able to pierce the opponents.
Overclocking is another example of the benefits his arsenal offers when used with precision and dexterity. When the heroine activates her ultimate, the secondary fire from the Electric Cannon allows her to quickly eliminate her enemies with super powerful shots. “We wanted to achieve something almost like a hitscan version of Genji’s Dragonblade,” says Josh Noh. You have a limited amount of time to pull off a huge move…or miss all your shots. »
Here is finally something to raise the hype concerning Overwatch 2. the FPS multiplayer will be in closed beta as a reminder from April 26, only on PC. You can find products derived fromOverwatch on Amazon.
Writer – Tester Clint008 |
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