the Sadida Earth on Dofus Touch benefits from a fairly complete spell kit. This guide will help you choose your Sadi Terre stuff according to your level. If you want to change classes, you’ll find everything you need on our comprehensive Dofus Touch classes guide.
Last update: May 2022
Guide to properly stuff his Sadida Earth on Dofus Touch
Don’t forget that, if you are subscribed with an Elite Pack, you can reset your statistics between each fight. Adapt your stats to your stuff and your objective, always favoring the Strengththen Vitality.
With its characteristic levels identical to those of Dofus PC, the Sadida has a choice. Only the Air route is really not recommended.
1 for 1 | 1 for 2 | 1 for 3 | 1 for 4 | |
Vitality | 0 to ∞ | |||
Wisdom | 0 to ∞ | |||
Strength | 0 to 100 | 100 to 200 | 200 to 300 | 300 to ∞ |
Intelligence | 0 to 100 | 100 to 200 | 200 to 300 | 300 to ∞ |
Chance | 0 to 100 | 100 to 200 | 200 to 300 | 300 to ∞ |
Agility | 0 to 100 | 100 to 200 | 200 to 300 | 300 to ∞ |
To play your Earth Sadida on DOFUS Touch, you are therefore advised to mount up to 300 points in Strength. Then, adapt your statistics by increasing your Vitality, for example.
Regarding spells, some will be up to level 6 as soon as possible. Others will have to climb to level 2, 3, or 4, or even not to climb.
Main spells (level 6)
Bramble – Tree – Knowledge of Dolls – Multiple Brambles – The Sacrificial – The Inflatable – Aggressive Brambles – Poisonous Wind – Insolent Bramble – The Overpowered
Secondary spells
Liberation – Flamiche – Cawwot – The Blocker – The Madwoman – Soothing Bramble – Sylvester Power – Tree of Life
If you don’t play Dofus Touchthis guide also exists for Dofus and Dofus Retro.
With update 1.54 at the beginning of 2022, the bonuses for sets and items 1 to 200 have been improved. Thus, several items have become much more important and interesting for your stuff.
Level 20
Yellow Piwi Ring Fortifying Ring Yellow Piwi Amulet Terophilous Ax Yellow Piwi Sandals Tourist Agency Shield Yellow Piwi Cloak Yellow Piwi Belt Yellow Piwi Hat Dofawa
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Level 40
Bouze le Clerc’s Ring Farmer Moth-Eaten Mittens Gobball Amulet Gobball Hammer Gobboots Tourist Agency Shield Bouffant Cloak Gobball Belt Gobball Headdress Dofawa
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Level 60
Pippin Blop Ring Gelano Lucky Dice Treechnid Root Bow Aerdala Geta Shoreline Shield Jules Yanos Cloak Green Turtle Belt Tromatizing Mask Minor Earth Reaver Minor Furious Minor Earth Destroyer Minor Insane Examiner Minor Survivor Plum and Purple Dragoturkey
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Level 80
Royal Pippin Blop Ring Gelano Royal Pippin Amublop Treechnid Root Bow Royal Pippin Blops Pandawa Shield Jules Yanos’ Cloak Mighty Dazzling Belt Korko Kousto Minor Earth Reaver Minor Furious Minor Earth Destroyer Minor Insane Examiner Minor Survivor Plum and Crimson Dragoturkey
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Level 110
Ancestral Ring Gelano Ancestral Torque Ares Ancestral Shin Guards Kloume Ancestral Abracapa Ancestral Abrature Ancestral Abracaska Ancestral Turbulent Traveler Earth Reaver Feral Examiner Furious Dragoturkey Plum and Almond
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Level 140
Ring of the Moowolf Gelano The Meulette Ax of the Warrior Zoth of the Moowolf Boots Feudala Shield of the Moowolf Cape of the Moowolf Belt of the Warrior Zoth Turbulent Traveler Dofus Cawwot Examining Frenzied Furibond Dragoturkey Plum and Almond
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Level 150
Gelano Ring of the Moowolf The Meulette Ax of the Zoth Warrior Moowolf Boots Feline Shield Crannier’s Cloak Moowolf’s Belt Whirling Hat Major Feral Traveler Major Earth Reaver Examiner Major Furious Turbulent Dragoturkey Plum and Almond
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Level 170
Veranneau Gelano Cætera Amulet Ax of the Zoth Warrior Named Boots Bubbling Shield Crannier’s Cloak Moowolf’s Belt Tournoyé’s Hat Major Feral Traveler Major Earth Reaver Major Emerald Dofus Turbulent Dragoturkey Plum and Almond
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Level 180
Gelano Nimat Ring Cætera Amulet Dreggon Daggers Dremoan Boots Kolossal Shield Dremoan Cape Soft Oak Autumn String Dremoan Hat Crimson Dofus Turquoise Dofus Major Earth Reaver Major Wanderer Traveler Major Scholar Dragoturkey Emerald and Ivory
Gelano Nimat Ring Necrotic Amulet Dreggon Daggers Necrotic Boots Kolossal Shield Necrotic Cloak Soft Oak Autumnal String Smooth Hat Dofus Crimson Dofus Turquoise Dofus Turbulent Traveler Major Furious Major Scholar Dragoturkey Emerald and Ivory
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The Stuffs for a Sadida Terre THL on Dofus
The Sadida is a summoning class with good ranged damage and removal potential. It is therefore necessary to give maximum priority in addition to the different characteristics:
- In PVM: /
- In PvP: Resistances, Vitality, Escape
- Common: Summons, MP Removal, Range
Like the Osamodas, so the class is very demanding and will require very specific equipment even if it means losing damage. Do not hesitate to have several variants of the same stuff and to adapt it according to the fights. A good collection of Trophies and Dofus is a plus. However, no need to ignore power and simple damage !
Level 190
At this level, you have two essential sets: La Brouce and the Kolosso. The choice is no longer so limited, even allowing to take Necrotic items. Of course, you will also have access to the Veil of Ink, offering Strength, PO and resistances.
The links
Ring of Kolosso Gelano Necrotic Amulet Ax of the Zoth Warrior Necrotic Boots Kolossal Shield Necrotic Cloak Kolosso’s Belt Kolosso’s Headdress Traveler Dofushu Turquoise Dofus Emerald Dofus Major Earth Reaver Major Madman Dragoturkey Plum and Almond
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Level 200
As for the other levels, opt for a stuff to suit your budget. Adopt at least one of each category (Damage, Ret or Survival, 12/5) to be most effective. Moreover, with a small starting sum, it is also quite possible to evolve as you go. Start with a set of lowcost gear, do some quests, add items, and get over time objects to make variations. As a player without too much income, do not resell your stuff! They can serve you later, or in variations.
Here you can find sets with several possibilities to adapt according to your desires for removal or damage. Nothing prevents you from adding exos, removing them, replacing an AP item, etc. Again, don’t rely on one set to win every fight and build your own library of items.
The links
Brouce’s Ring Gloursonne Ring Amulet of the Inexpressible Erhy’s Daggers Brouce’s Boots Snowdrift Shield Indescribable Cloak Brouce’s Belt Abyssal Headdress Ocher Traveler Dofus Turquoise Dofus Emerald Dofus Ice Dofus Crimson Dofus Dragoturkey in armor
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