
Here are 5 little-known scientific facts about dads that will surely interest you.

james rilling, a professor and chair of the anthropology department at Emory University, has just finalized his interviews with 120 men who have just become fathers. During these interviews, he asked them, among other things, what they found most rewarding in becoming a father. Accompanied by his colleague Craig Hadley, they are still analyzing the results and finalizing the study.

While mothers often have more of an effect on child development, as explained rilling, dads are important and their role warrants more research. Here are 5 scientific facts about fatherhood, according to several studies, including those of Professor rilling.

Dads can suffer from postpartum depression

Postpartum depression is often known as a potential complication for young mothers after giving birth. But fathers are also likely to suffer from this depression. “The rate of depression among new fathers is about twice that of the general population of men”, explains Professor Rilling.

According to him, it can be due to the lack of sleep, the hormonal change after the arrival of the baby, but also because of changes in the relationship with his partner. Indeed, many new dads report that the attention and affection of their partner, which was normally intended for them, has shifted to the new child.

He also adds that new dads may feel the weight of a new financial responsibility. Plus, like many moms, they often experience conflict to balance work and parenthood.

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