
Before the official announcement of Arma 4, Bohemia Studios will introduce a pre-production title Arma Reforger to fans of military games. Reforger is the code name for the NATO exercise, the so-called “Reforger Operation”. The hypothetical scenario is that when the situation in Western Europe is tight, reinforcements will be quickly deployed from North America to Europe. It is expected that three heavy armored divisions and one light armored division will be delivered in the first week. The premise of rapid delivery is that the returning troops keep a set of equipment at the storage point in West Germany in advance. Before the personnel are dispatched, they will leave the active equipment to the National Guard, and rush to the storage point empty-handed to obtain the equipment, so as to form combat effectiveness without waiting for the heavy equipment to be shipped. To test the feasibility of this strategy, the U.S. military held an annual returner exercise from 1969 until the end of the Cold War in 1993. It is said that today Germany still reserves a set of US military equipment that can be equipped with a heavy brigade, stored in a reinforced facility that can withstand overpressure. The development of “Arma Reforger” by Bohemia is also an exercise, the purpose is to test the new Enfusion game engine, accumulate experience in the operation of the host platform, and release it for “Arma 4″ cross-platform .
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