
from Michael Miskulin
A new mod for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt reintroduces previously deleted content and features to the game. It is primarily about a visualization feature that shows when and which monsters in the game world should be buffed. In addition, players get new minimap options and new monster icons.

Tinnaib modder has released a new mod for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt that restores deleted features and content. In concrete terms, this means that this mod reimplements a “Buffed Monster Tracker”, as well as adding minimap options and new monster symbols.

The Witcher 3: Buffed Monster Tracker has been reimplemented

The Witcher 3 Buffed Monster Tracker: Wild Hunt is able to visualize the underlying logic of the game and show on the minimap when and which monster to buff. This feature has been left in a near-completed state within the game files. According to his own statements, the modder didn’t have to complete much to complete the feature. In later versions of the mod, the underlying game logic of the Buffed Monster Tracker could also be adjusted, according to the mod developer.

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The mod also restores an option to set the 24-hour clock format and weather indicators on the mini-map. Also restored are the icons for the Noonwraith, Nightwraith, Wraith, Werewolf, Alghoul, and Ice Giant monsters. As already mentioned, the mod also adds some new icons. Players get new icons for the Drowner, Rotfiend, Grave Hag, Water Hag, Hound of the Wild Hunt and Ice Troll. Meanwhile, you can use the mod here from NexusMods download. You will also find the installation steps there.

Source: NexusMods

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