This week CD Projekt RED celebrated a reunion in which it presented its final financial results. One of the topics covered in it is the commercial yield of Cyberpunk 2077que has surpassed the 18 million units since it was sold for the 2020 finals. Taking into account that the latest figure is 13.7 million units lasting until 2020, it means that 4 million units were sold in one year of the futuristic role-playing game.
A lo largo de este ao, Cyberpunk 2077 has received a good amount of updates that han ido mejorando los fallos tcnicos with those that are for sale and that will provoke a strong debate that includes the CD Projekt RED to accept the evolution of physical and digital copies. No obstante, el mayor hito de Cyberpunk 2077 este ao ha sido su esperado launched on PS5 and Xbox Series X / Snew generation consoles to read in February with a free trial version.
The first expansion will take place in 2023
At this time, CD Projekt RED continues to work on the game, although estn ms is focused on publish new content in the form of expansions -to pay as free- that irn llegando prximamente a Cyberpunk 2077. This is one of the titles that has given the ultimate reunion of the financial results of the Polish team, in which it has confirmed that the first DLC of the game llegar in 2023 with a new argumentative arsenal of which no detailed details have been given, although information about his possible ambitions, trams and characters is filtered.
As it was mentioned in @CDPROJEKTRED_IR financial call moments ago, Cyberpunk 2077’s upcoming expansion will arrive in 2023. Please stay tuned for more details coming later this year– Cyberpunk 2077 (@CyberpunkGame) April 14, 2022
Cyberpunk 2077 is available on PS5, Xbox Series X / S, PS4, Xbox One, PC and Stadium. You can read our analysis of the author’s version in this file and consult our gua aqu.
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