
Over the past two years, opportunities to travel have become quite rare, due of course to the pandemic. Now that the health situation has improved, Airbnb is remembering travelers with a brand new application.

It’s just ” the biggest change for Airbnb in the last ten years enthuses Brian Chesky, CEO of the short-term rental platform. This change is that of the interface of the mobile application of the service which will be deployed during the summer all over the world (and in the coming days in the United States).

Why not rent a house “OMG! »?

The main novelty is to be found in the “Categories” section of the app. It allows you to navigate through the catalog of homes for rent according to filters: camping, surfing, extraordinary views, bed & breakfast, countryside… There is also a “design” filter where the amateur will find houses selected for their interiors. and their iconic architectures, imagined by masters like Le Corbusier and Lloyd Wright.

The app will also offer an “OMG! », in which are listed extravagant or very original dwellings, such as… a yellow submarine in New Zealand! Apart from these categories which already offer a guaranteed change of scenery, Airbnb is launching a “Two-step stay” service. The traveler who leaves for a stay of more than a week will be offered to live for a few days in one house, then a few days in another. Both being located in the same place and offering similar services.

Credit: Airbnb

Still on the services front, Airbnb has developed AirCover, a free guarantee that gives users access to a hotline to report security issues, protection against scams, and several other services to reassure travelers. If the rented house differs from the ad or if it is impossible to check in before entering the house, Airbnb can reimburse the stay or find another dwelling.

If he did not participate in the redesign of the application, the design studio LoveFrom (created by Jony Ive the former chief designer of Apple) is working on other projects with Airbnb. The platform has announced that we will soon see the first results of this collaboration.

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