Recently, CNKI was deactivated by a department of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the monopoly investigation caused a heated discussion. 90-year-old professor Zhao Dexin sued CNKI. I got his signature to open an account, but I didn’t receive a penny. According to Sino-Singapore Jingwei report, Professor Zhao Dexin said in an interview that in 2006, CNKI signed a contract with him to make the “Chinese Economic History Dictionary” into an electronic version. The contract stated a collection account, but he himself has not received a penny in the account, and the account is still in effect. “So, where did the money go? I specifically went to consult this question, only to find out that CNKI used my name to create a private bank account without my consent, and also forged my signature. This matter has violated Criminal law, I have already entrusted a lawyer to file a lawsuit.” Professor Zhao Dexin said. In December 2021, according to CCTV online reviews and Guangming Daily news, Zhao Dexin, an 89-year-old retired professor at Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, sued China Knowledge Network, a platform giant in the field of dissertation. The reason is that the latter included more than 100 of his papers without authorization, and the old gentleman did not get a penny for the manuscript.
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