© Nintendo

Nintendo is one of the most famous video game companies in the world, and one of the franchises that made it famous is that of Mario. The universe of this little Italian plumber has pleased the public so much that a large number of characters have been added over time. And among the very first characters, we have the villainous Bowser. But did you know that the president of the American branch of the firm also bears this name?

At the beginning of 2019, Nintendo officially announced the retirement of Reggie Fils-AimePresident and Chief Operating Officer of Nintendo of America. Similarly, the firm also announced that the latter would be replaced by none other than Bowser. It’s not about the big bad in the franchise mariobut of Doug Bowser, who previously served as Vice President of Nintendo’s US branch. By a happy coincidence, he bears the same name as this emblematic character of the Mario universe; and like thereported SyFy at the time: He was born for this job. »

Of course, the appointment of Doug Bowser at the head of Nintendo of America aroused many humorous reactions that Internet users did not hesitate to share on social networks. On his side, The Real Bowser – as he calls himself on social networks – was not offended by the jokes made to him on the subject. ” It’s a sign to me that we have an incredible and passionate following, and our fans accept that. It’s ironic that we share the same name, and there are times when it’s going to be fun and we’re going to play with it, but we’re two very, very different characters. I don’t get tired at all “, he had then declared at the time, during a interview for Fortune.

Note that the name of Doug Bowser helped him a lot when he replaced Reggie Fils-Aime at the head of Nintendo of America. Indeed, the latter was very popular with the public, but the fact of being called Bowser helped his replacement to be more easily accepted by the public, had reported Business Insider.

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