
Today, the game publisher Microids really announced that the domestic game “Shadow Torch City” will launch the physical version of PS5, PS4 and Switch in the third quarter of 2022, which is also the first time to land on the Switch platform. It is understood that “Shadow Torch City” is a domestic stand-alone game. It began to land on the PC platform and PS5 console in October last year. After its listing, it has won a lot of praise at home and abroad. It is worth mentioning that Wchen Chen, the model renderer of “Black Myth: Wukong”, once called it “the light of domestic production”. And “Black Myth: Wukong” is also a 3A masterpiece currently known as the “light of domestic production”. Whether it is picture, plot, operation, or action, it has been named a domestic masterpiece and will be released in 2023. However, although both are called domestic light, but the two are completely different types of games, “Shadow Torch City” is a Metroidvania action game. In the game, the player will play a rabbit wielding a huge iron fist, and fight against the legion in a huge world of dieselpunk aesthetics. You can use the iron fist, drill and electric whip three weapons with different combat advantages to achieve high connection.
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