
In the summer of 2020, Resident Evil was revealed to Netflix, a live action series that should not be confused with the half-baked (?) CGI party Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness. July 14, the new series premieres.

We’ve had a teaser before, but it was so short that you probably missed it. The new one is more nutritious, and shows two very different scenes: New Racoon City vintage 2022, and one by all accounts post-apocalyptic London in 2036. We will get to follow the two sisters Wesker.

Nothing eventful ever happens in the peaceful New Raccoon City.

It remains to be seen if it will be bird, fish or in between for Resident Evil. As I said, Infinite Darkness has not been received too well. The Welcome to Raccoon City movie has not received much praise either.

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The post Netflix teaser from the new Resident Evil series appeared first on Gamingsym.