In our Retro series of items we regularly present highlights from over 15 years in buffed form! And this time we embark on a journey to Pandaria! In Pandaria, the WoW developers have parked a lot of small and large secrets that your heroes can stumble over – or not. Because some of the mysteries that the legendary continent holds in store are not that easy to find.
Anyone who has missed our previous attempts to unveil secrets in Azeroth will find what they are looking for in our archive. Among other things, we reported on the terrifying ones children in goldshirefrom abandoned caves and forgotten ruinsfrom the extremely strange Whispering Forest in Tirisfal Glades, the secret denizens of the Darkmoon Islandfrom the pandaren inhabitants Qua’kan and Gokk’lok as well as from Ain’zama Guju, Lord Scissors Kril’mandar and the magical bamboo shoot for all. Don’t let our literary journey through WoW (buy now ) escape: We have to for clues Tolkien’s, Martin’s, Hemingway’s and Shakespeare’s works sought.
The Hidden Horst
Details after details – the WoW developers have put a lot of time into decorating the eyrie.
Source: buffed
Be honest: You’ve probably flown over the hidden eyrie of the sky folk umpteen times and even stopped to marvel at the falcon trainer’s residence in the mountains of the Jade Forest. But have you looked around in the hidden eyrie – a slightly ridiculous name, yes – and discovered the details? No? Don’t worry, we’ve taken care of that part for you. But first, let’s look at the path that leads to the people of heaven.
Of course you can fly to the hidden eyrie, nothing easier than that. The eyrie is wedged between the Jade Forest, the Kun-Lai and the Veiled Stair. But the small, peaceful place is much better explored on foot. If you want to walk to the eyrie, you start in Kun-Lai or at the Veiled Stairs. Both regions are connected by the Ancient Passage, a tunnel system infested with hozen. Several paths branch north from the main route through the Ancient Passage.
If you look into the tunnel on the far right, you’ll see daylight again, because this tunnel will take you to a shallow pond. And at the end of this pond you can discover a staircase that leads to the mountains. This is your path to the hidden eyrie. So when you’ve had enough of the idyll at the pond, head up into the mountains. Just keep following the path that leads you over wooden planks and paths until you meet the first falcon trainer and his bird. Because then it’s only a few steps until you turn left around the curve and find the hidden eyrie.
settlement in the mountains
The pandare of the skyfolk builds a boat far from any body of water.
Source: Buffed
The small settlement consists of only two huts, a cave and a few falcon trainers who go about their daily business. Just before the hut on the left, a pandare is crouching on the ground, tinkering with his boat. We at least scratch our heads a little at the sight – what does the falcon instructor need a boat for, here, in the highest peaks of the Jade Forest? What is particularly striking is that the scenery is designed to be quite detailed. A saw is stuck in the hull of the boat, and a mug of tea is on a tree stump nearby. Considering that the WoW developers didn’t actually do anything with the hidden eyrie, they put a lot of effort into making the small settlement appear homely.
If you turn to the left of the house and climb the stairs, you will find a book in the hut that you can read. The story is about two monks and a fisherman. The monks, deep in discussion about the definition of truth, ask a fisherman to take them in his boat to an island so they can continue their conversation. The sea is calm and the angler doesn’t like that at all. Because a calm sea heralds an approaching storm. But the monks dismiss the angler’s warning as gossip and insist on the crossing.
A fairy tale with morals
During the trip, the monks find out that the angler can neither read nor write, and comment rather arrogantly with the words “It seems to us that you have wasted your life”. But now it happens that dark clouds are actually gathering on the horizon. It starts to rain and in no time at all the small boat fills up with water. The angler doesn’t care, jumps into the sea and swims towards the shore.
In the hidden eyrie you can read the story of the two monks and the fisherman.
Source: Buffed
But the monks face an insurmountable problem: they cannot swim. Scared to death, they call the angler for help. However, he replies: “It seems to me that you have wasted your lives.” With these words the story ends – we do not know whether the angler helped the monks or left them to their fate.
Continue to the other hut, which is inhabited by Falcon Master Jer, Falcon Master Anna, Hoggel the Pug and Griffin Griffin. As Griffin makes its orbit above the pandaren’s heads, Jer and Anna seem to be engaged in a silent dialogue – they move but say nothing. Pug Hoggel, on the other hand, is busy with a huge pile of – well – shit lying on the ground. That thing is big, suspicious of a hit. For this, the dog must have eaten tasty.
Attention to detail, but no content?
Falcon Master Jer and Falcon Master Anna don’t seem to care too much about the impressively large bunch of Pug Hoggel.
Source: Buffed
Out of the house and past the hut, past a pandaren lady balancing on a barrel, through a small crack in the rocks to another falcon trainer, who appears to be preparing a meal for the falcons. She beats quite resolutely on a stone table on which all kinds of bones can be seen. It has now been established that hawks like to snort fish. And that the pandan chose her workplace with a view of the sea. However, the water is so far below the hidden nest that the boat builder will definitely not let his nutshell into the water through this gap in the mountains.
If you turn around and walk back to the eyrie, you will find another cave behind the second hut. In it stands Falcon Master Liu, who is swarmed by a whole lot of falcons. Falcon Master Liu stands out from the other falcon masters because he has his very own audio files. On the other hand, he reacts to your hero in the text that opens when you speak to him.
If your character has not yet completed the adventures in Townlong Steppes, Liu will greet you by name and refer to you as a “gust of wind heralding the storm of change.” Once you have completed the main quests in Townlong, ask Liu if his brother told you how he lost his eye. Liu’s brother is the Pandare Nurong of the Shado-Pan. So there is a connection between Skyfolk and Shado-Pan. But why you never sent a quest to the hidden eyrie is perhaps a question for the WoW developers. What fabulous adventures might the friends of the skyfolk have in store?
The post WoW: Mysteries in Pandaria – the hidden eyrie appeared first on Gamingsym.