
Everyone has seen wavy roads, but have you ever seen wavy parking spaces?

Recently, a video of “wave parking spaces in an underground garage of a community in Guangdong” caused heated discussions among netizens.

video shows,In an underground garage, the parking spaces near codes A651 to A654 are uneven, with a depression in front of the rear wheel and a large bulge behind it. In addition, the red identification line on the wall is not straight.

If the car is parked and then put in neutral, it is believed that the car will likely jump forward. Some people worry that parking on such a slope for a long time will damage the car’s brakes, shock absorbers and other devices.

Netizens joked:

“Three-dimensional parking space”

“Bring Your Own Roller Function”

To this,Jimu NewsAccording to the report, the video was shot in a community in Chao’an District, Chaozhou City, Guangdong Province. The property of the community stated that the “wave parking space” itself was designed like this. When the parking space was sold, the topography was marked on the drawings, and the owners who purchased it were aware of it.

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Hashtags: parking lot parking spaces

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