
During the Indie World Showcase that Nintendo organized today (and it was retransmitted in Spanish, it was completed) aqu), the independent study Aggro Crab presented its second commercial video game: done by Another Crab’s Treasurea project inspired by the jugabilidad de los Souls but protagonized by a hermit crab. Although he was present at the Switch event, he also confirmed that he was looking for a PC to work with Steam. Su estreno is provided for algn moment of 2023.

One Another Crab’s Treasure controlaremos a Krila hermit crab that tends to be infested with all types of submarine creatures long enough to cross a path mundo abierto acutico arranged by the contaminant. The gameplay, as pods show in the available trailer of these lines, is directly from FromSoftware games and pretends to be as demanding as them, even if it does be accessible for the lesser-known persons in the mandates.

Improvised caparazones: the key to it Souls with cangrejos

Segn podemos ver en su primer trilerone of the main bases of the jugabilidad de Another Crab’s Treasure we tend to procure an improvised defense using any object we encounter in the scenario as if we were carrying a conch: hay ms of 50 caparazones available, according to the project managers, from the middle to the main metal parts. Combat also tends to be offensive, supuesto, protagonized by the power of Umami Magic with what we tend to do in front of our only ones.

As we learn in principle, this is the second game of Aggro Crab, an independent study that we know about the authors of the fantasy Going Under, un roguelite which parodies the modern imperial market which is based on “its combative gil system, entertainment and improvisational force, having the stories of its characters, enemies, final jefes and habitations”, as we account for in our analysis.

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