
Bill Gates’ new crown positive satire: A few days ago, he said that he had a mansion and a private plane without risk of infection

Microsoft founder, the world’s top billionaire Bill GatesExternal confirmationwho was confirmed positive for the new coronavirus and is being quarantined.

However, CNET reported that less than two weeks ago,Gates once pointed out in an interview with the media that the wealth he owns has helped him and his loved ones avoid contracting the virus.

This happened on May 1st, and Gates said, I have a big house, a private jet, and the perfect internet, and the risk of infection can be equal to zero. I still have the chance to see my children.

This seems ironic, but it’s not clear how Gates contracted the virus.

Before Gates announced that he had contracted the virus, he revealed on social networks that the Gates Melinda Foundation had held its first meeting in two years. When the outside world was in doubt, a spokesman for the foundation responded that the meeting was scheduled before Gates tested positive, and he attended it online.

If you need to reprint, please be sure to indicate the source: Fast Technology

Responsible editor: Wan Nanarticle error correction

Hashtags: Bill Gates positive for coronavirus

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