
A few days ago, the China Passenger Car Association released the April car sales list. Affected by the epidemic and supply chain disruptions, many domestic car companies have experienced a sharp drop in sales.

In the whole list, only three models of BYD did not fall,In addition, BYD Qin and Han both soared year-on-year, and BYD became the most dazzling car company in the domestic car market in April.

Specifically, Nissan Sylphy sold 26,122 units in April, down 42.9% year-on-year; Hongguang MINI EV sold 24,908 units, down 6.3% year-on-year.

BYD Qin has not been severely impacted by the supply chain and the epidemic. In April, 23,520 vehicles were sold, a year-on-year increase of 272.7%, making it the model with the highest growth rate in the entire list.

In addition, BYD announced in March that it will completely stop the production of fuel vehicles, which means that all 23,000 BYD Qins sold in April are green-brand models.

Toyota Ralink did not keep the 20,000-unit mark in April, with sales of 14,766 units, down 24.3% year-on-year; as for Volkswagen’s new Lavida, its April sales were 13,925 units, down 54.9% year-on-year; Toyota Corolla followed closely, 4 The monthly sales volume was 13,836 units, down 49.4% year-on-year.

BYD’s flagship sedan, the Han, sold 13,406 units in April, up 64% year-on-year.And it also surpassed the Toyota Camry and won the B-class car sales crown in China.

The starting price of BYD Han came to 214,800 yuan, far exceeding 17.98 of Camry. The strength of BYD Han’s products is evident.

Camry sold 12,693 units in April, down 20.5% year-on-year; Volkswagen Sagitar sold 12,008 units, also down 25%.

The tenth place on the list was contracted by BYD Dolphin. This is also the first time Dolphin has entered the car sales list. It sold 11,959 units in April, becoming the top-selling model of domestic 100,000-class electric vehicles.

April car sales list: BYD Han defeated Toyota Camry and won the B-class car sales crown

If you need to reprint, please be sure to indicate the source: Fast Technology

Responsible editor: Ruofengarticle error correction

Hashtag: BYD BYD Han sedan

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