Illustrative picture

Small but fascinating, the frog intrigues scientists around the world even though it does not seem to have revealed all its mysteries.

New miniature species discovered in Mexico

Six new species of miniature frogs have been observed in Mexico. Until now, these new species for scientists have gone unnoticed, probably because of their small size: between 13 and 15 mm only when they reach maturity.

It was the teams from the University of Cambridge who led the study published in the journal Herpetological Monographs. Their analysis made it possible to collect around 500 frog specimens from museums around the world. The objective was to use innovative methods to determine possible kinship links between them. Sequencing their DNA made it possible to sort the frogs according to their genes, then CT scans made it possible to create 3D models of the frogs’ skeletons. This last step makes it possible to compare the differences between the frogs much more precisely. In the end, these two processes together made it possible to establish 6 new species of frogs which, until then, had been confused with other better known species.

Vulnerable, these frogs at least have the advantage of not going through the “tadpole” stage since they come out of their egg already in the form of frogs. They live directly on the forest floor, among wet leaves.

Barely discovered but already endangered frogs

These “little thumb” frogs are located at the very bottom of the food chain. Contrary to popular belief, their greatest threat is not other forest creatures but humans and their often destructive activities.

The destruction of their habitats and climate change cause often fatal fungal diseases in them.

The beginning of other discoveries?

Scientists are hopeful of finding other species that testify to the incredible richness of amphibian biodiversity.

“We suspect that other species are waiting to be discovered, especially in western Mexico and east of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, where our sampling efforts were limited”, report the scientists who participated in the American study. To go further, also discover 10 surprisingly beautiful frogs.

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