
Japan’s parliament voted on the 11th to pass the revised Alien Organism Law, which will ban the sale or release of Mississippi red-eared turtles and crayfish in the future. The revised Alien Organisms Act aims to strengthen countermeasures against alien species that may affect ecosystems. After being brought to Japan from the U.S., crayfish thrived in freshwater waters such as ponds across Japan, leading to a sharp decline in the native species, prompting discussions to designate it as an invasive alien species. Why does Japan implement this biological law? Some experts said that in fact, crayfish has always been unpopular in Japan. Many Japanese people do not eat it, and more of it regards it as an invasive organism, so let alone eating it, they can’t even look at it, while the local fishermen daily For the treatment of crayfish, it is directly used as fertilizer with feet. In addition, the Japanese have always been unfamiliar with foreign food. They are a nation that prefers to eat their own traditional food, whether in food or other aspects. The crayfish is native to the United States, and entered Japan with American merchant ships in 1930. . According to Japanese experts, crayfish has no natural enemies in Japan. As a restricted alien species, the purpose is to protect the ecological balance of the lake. This news also caused domestic foodies to complain, and many people said that they really didn’t understand Xiaolong.
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