— SpeedKingz / Shutterstock.com

A study conducted by researchers at the Bedari Kindness Institute at the University of California, Los Angeles shows that kindness can extend our lifespan.

According to a study conducted by this institute, adopting a behavior centered on kindness, honesty and benevolence towards others would lower blood pressure and reduce depression and anxiety. On the other hand, acting unpleasantly with those around you would cause even more stress and increase our heart rate, which would shorten our lives.

The study was backed up by Columbia University physician Kelli Harding, who believes empathy and caring boost the immune system and overall help people live better, longer lives. Additionally, another research published in the journal Journal of Health and Social Behavior demonstrated that people who volunteer tend to better assess their sense of happiness, their quality of life and their self-esteem “.

A another study conducted by the universities of Exeter and Oxford reveals that being honest and caring with yourself can also reduce the risk of depression and anxiety. Thus, it would be necessary to go through this stage to hope to have a beautiful and long life.

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