
from Karsten Scholz
The Blizzard developers want to give the professions with WoW: Dragonflight a lot of love. There should be new features, but also many improvements. There have been many new details over the past few days in the Community Council of the WoW Forums!

Already at the Announcing WoW: Dragonflight in April 2022 Blizzard developers emphasized that the revision of professions will be an important cornerstone of the upcoming expansion. New features are coming, but also tools for more comfort, crafting orders created by players, profession equipment and what was formerly removed from crafting: specializations!

WoW: Dragonflight: The most massive conversion for crafts. Since ever.

The future of jobs

To ensure that crafting improvements are pointing in the right direction, Blizzard involves the community early in the feedback process. Specifically, Community Manager Kaivax already had a thread for the future of the professions 21 days ago in the forums section of the Community Council opened. Since then, there has been a lot of posting and discussion there, and Blizzard managers are also always speaking up.

A few days ago we already published a message about the first developer statements. It was about leveling the professions, here are the most important findings again:

  • You won’t automatically get better at your job by crafting an item multiple times, as was previously the case. Instead, there should be various other ways to improve a profession and produce higher quality items.
  • Gold should play a less important role in professions in the future: You can still buy resources and issue crafting orders with gold, but gold will no longer be important for improving your profession.
  • Crafted items are said to be competitive with other endgame gear (and sometimes even “Best in Slot”).
  • Those looking to craft raid gear can also get the resources they need from other sources such as Mythic+, PvP, and open-world activities.

The post How does Blizzard want to make the professions as great as they used to be? appeared first on Gamingsym.