
Heavy rain in Guangzhou, the city’s primary and secondary schools and kindergartens suspended: the province welcomes the strongest rainstorm with too much rainfall

From May 10th to 13th, there will be continuous torrential rainstorms to heavy rainstorms in Guangzhou, and the city is facing risks such as mountain torrents, geological disasters, floods in medium and small rivers, and urban and rural waterlogging. According to the research of the Municipal Flood Control, Drought and Wind Control Headquarters, in order to ensure the safety of people’s lives and property and the safety of the city, the following measures will be implemented in Guangzhou from 20:00 on May 10 to 24:00 on May 12, 2022:

Primary and secondary schools and kindergartens in Guangzhou are suspended, off-campus training, childcare, and trusteeship institutions are suspended, and boarding schools have done a good job in ensuring the safety of teachers, students and employees; bus lines, subway lines and other transportation affected by floods are suspended; In addition to emergency rescue, all construction sites and outdoor construction sites are suspended; work from home is advocated and do not travel unless necessary.

It is reported that for Guangdong, this rainstorm is almost province-wide. As of 16:27 yesterday, a total of 25 rainstorm warning signals were in effect in Guangdong Province, including 21 rainstorm yellow warning signals and 4 heavy rain orange warning signals. The signal must be paid attention to.

The China Meteorological Administration reported that from 20:00 on May 10 to 20:00 on May 11, parts of western and southern Guangxi, most of Guangdong, southeastern Jiangxi, most of Fujian, central Guizhou, southeastern Yunnan, western Sichuan Basin and other places There are heavy to heavy rains. Among them, there are heavy rains (100-180 mm) in parts of central and western Guangdong and southwestern Fujian. Some of the above-mentioned areas are accompanied by short-term heavy precipitation (the maximum hourly rainfall is 20-50 mm, and the local area can exceed 60 mm), and there are local strong convective weather such as thunderstorms and strong winds.

Heavy rain in Guangzhou, the city's primary and secondary schools and kindergartens suspended: the province welcomes the strongest rainstorm with too much rainfall

Hashtag: Geographical rainstorm Guangzhou

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