
Supercars have attractive styling, strong power, and moving sounds. Walking on the street has a high rate of return. However, in addition to these advantages, daily driving supercars will also encounter many “sweet troubles”, such as high-speed tolls for artificial passages. Standing, there will be many embarrassing scenes. Because of the low body of the supercar and the long distance between the driver’s seat and the sides of the body, the driver cannot reach out and accept the high-speed pass card like an ordinary car, and it is more troublesome to pay with a mobile phone when paying. To this end, the well-known car blogger “Chen Zhen” also demonstrated the troubles of driving a Lamborghini aventador and passing the high-speed toll station. First of all, when entering the expressway, Chen Zhen took out a telescopic pole with a clip device on the head because he could not reach the pass card handed out by the toll collector, and took the pass card over. In the video, when getting off the high-speed toll station, due to the long distance, the toll collector’s code scanning equipment could not scan the mobile payment page, so Chen Zhen handed the mobile phone out with a retractable clip. As a result, one of the clips failed, the mobile phone fell off, and the high-speed toll also skyrocketed in an instant. Seeing such a scene, some netizens ridiculed: “I just don’t .
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