
It’s going to severely beat and break your teeth against a backdrop of Prodigyesque soundtrack this summer!
As promised at Gamescom 2021, Humble Games will therefore offer us on the day of its release on August 23, 2022 in day one on the Xbox Game Passthe game developed for the sole Jacob Dzwinel.

All the blows will be good to knock out the criminals of the underworld with a crowbar, rifle or brass knuckles for the purists. Our hero, fresh from the dead thanks to a drone, will have one night to prevent the local mafia from taking over his world. Like a Kiryu Kazuma or even a Frank West,” Weaponize everything from furniture to toilet plungers. Take advantage of the urban world around you to achieve more and more incredible eliminations and clean up the streets”. And at first sight, you can even grapple your enemies or crush them under containers…

The game will present 41 replayable levels to complete multiple challenges, unlock many rewards such as weapons, techniques or skins that completion professionals will appreciate.

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