A team of engineers from the US Space Agency has developed a new material with impressive properties, proving to significantly outperform today’s advanced metal alloys.
Remarkable properties
At very high temperature (1093°C), the material GRX-810 proven to be twice as strong, three and a half times more flexible and approximately 1,000 times more durable than the most efficient alloys currently used in jet engines. Also proving to be lighter than its counterparts, it would make it possible to reduce the weight of various parts and equipment (and by extension the fuel consumption) of many machines, while significantly reducing their operating and maintenance costs.
” Until now, an increase in tensile strength generally decreased the vsability of a material to stretch and bend without cracking or breaking “, highlighted Dale Hopkinswho oversaw the project. “ The ability to produce new types of materials that are much stronger and lighter is a major breakthrough, promising not only to disrupt the aviation sector, with much more sustainable flights, but also to usher space exploration into a new era.. »
The new alloy, whose composition was determined using various advanced computer models simulating its thermodynamic performance, incorporates nanoscale oxides to improve its durability and high temperature resistance. The researchers used 3D printing to create a turbine engine combustion chamber (essential element of rocket engines ensuring the air-fuel mixture).
Significantly reduced development time
” Combining these two processes dramatically accelerates the pace of advanced materials development “, highlighted Tim Smithmaterials researcher at NASA Glenn Research Center. “ What used to take years and involve a painstaking process of trial and error, now takes weeks or months.. »
To top it off, the manufacturing process is also more efficient, economical and environmentally friendly than conventional methods. “ Engineers and designers can now consider compromises that were previously unthinkable, without sacrificing performance », concludes Smith.
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