Take part in our competition and get new tracks for Mario Kart 8 Deluxe! (Image: Nintendo)
Today we have something nice to give away for all fans of Mario Kart 8 Deluxe! Two lucky winners can grab a booster track pass that Nintendo has made available to us for you. Here we explain what you can do with it.
With Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Nintendo lets the legendary and almost infinitely fun kart race go into the next round. Or in the preliminary round. Or all at once? Let’s explain!
Since the release of the first Mario Kart for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES), meanwhile 30 years moved into the country (!!!). The interest in the brightly colored fun racer is still unbroken! In these three decades, a number of routes have accumulated in the series, some of which can be described as legendary. Whole 48 of them should in six waves by the end of 2023 to be released for Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.
This is where the Booster Track Pass comes into play. This is as a standalone purchase or as part of the Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack available. In the latter case without additional costs. The first eight routes were recently published as part of the first wave. Check out the video to see what awaits you:
N / A? Is your trigger finger already twitching or whatever you use to operate the virtual gas pedal? Then don’t hesitate, take part in our competition and win one of two booster route passes!
I want to win! What should I do?
Easy: Dodge three blue tanks while losing Princess Peach and winning all cups in all Mario Kart parts. At the first try. Blindfolded. Without a controller. you can do it, right? Please send proof videos directly to us.
Aaaaaaaalternatively, you can of course also answer the following question: The first wave includes the Golden Turbo Cup and the Lucky Cat Cup. As always, the routes it contains are super fun, colorful and offer many a challenge. We have listed four of them below. But… wait a minute! One has crept in there, it definitely doesn’t belong there. Which of these four tracks is not in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe?
a) Luigi’s ironing board
b) Coconut Promenade
c) Toad’s slope
d) Chocolate swamp
Email us your response to the address aktion@spieletipps.de and please pay attention to the following rules:
- Write the password “BOOSTER” in the subject line.
- Don’t forget to include your answer in the email!
Your data will only be used to process the shipping, after which it will be deleted. Please make sure your answer is complete. Unfortunately, incomplete entries will not be accepted, even if they are drawn. The closing date for entries is Sunday, May 15, 2022 at 11:59 p.m.
The winners will be drawn at random from all correct entries and notified of the prize by email.
Mario is arguably the most recognizable video game character in the entire industry. It’s no wonder, given that he’s consistently featured in highly successful games. We have compiled his most successful adventures for you:
By participating in the competition, you agree and confirm that you have read and accepted the conditions of participation and the data protection conditions. All personal participant data will be deleted from our active systems no later than 30 days after the end of the competition. As mentioned above, your address data will only be used to send the prizes and will not be used for other purposes. We look forward to your answers and hope you enjoy participating!
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The post Get 2x Booster Track Pass for Mario Kart 8 Deluxe appeared first on Gamingsym.