Nintendo has updated the sale of its games and Nintendo Switch. One of the conclusions that can be extracted from these figures is that Metroid Dread from the study studio MercurySteam ya es juego ms vendido de Metroid alcanzar los 2.9 millones de copias desde salida, el 8 de octubre, por lo que an tiene margin par marker ms distancias con Metroid Prime, que vendi 2,84 millones.
The list of main Metroid ms vendidos is the following:
1. Metroid Dread 2.90 million
2. Metroid Prime 2.84 million
3. Metroid 2.73 million
4. Metroid II 1.72 million
5. Metroid Fusion 1.6 million
6. Super Metroid 1.42 million
7. Metroid Prime 3 1.41 million
8. Metroid Prime 2 1.1 million
9. Metroid Prime: Hunters 1.08 million
Metroid Dread is the second MercurySteam work with the saga tras Metroid: Samus Returns and Nintendo 3DSa reinvencin de Metroid II: Return of Samus. The studio is known for having a dcada to occupy another Japanese veteran series, Castlevaniatras convertir Castlevania: Lords of Shadow en el ttulo ms vendido de su saga.
Habr ms Metroid and 2D
“Metroid Dread es ese Metroid 5 with what tantos aos llevbamos soandoa fantastic adventure of accin, platforms and exploration in 2D that he knows is the height of the legend of his saga “, we meet in his analysis; tambin os ofrecemos nuestra gua. It was the first game developed in Spain with a nomination to The Game of the Year in the gala of The Game Awards, the most popular Spanish game, and its producer has continued his adventures in 2D on the verge of the announcement Metroid Prime 4.
“While Samus’ character exists, he believes that his adventure will continue. Since Samus must continue his adventure, it’s so that we really need to give our best effort. Metroid Dread concludes the arc de cinco juegos that has been suicidal for 35 aos. Without embarrassment, it is not the final. Debera haber algo that can continue the franchise and the universe. As s, mientras el personaje de Samus sea amado, me gustara hacer ms“, said Yoshio Sakamoto, producer of the saga.
MercurySteam has not revealed it will continue with new ones Metroid. If you think you have a market an action and fantasy fantasy RPG for 505 Games, Project Ironmultiplataforma and with cmara in third person.
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