
Airtags continue to cause some problems for Apple. Small Bluetooth beacons that track objects are already being criticized for how easily they can be hacked to orchestrate the tailing and harassment of people.

Today, it appears that some beacons emit “ghost” alerts. Some iPhone users report receiving notifications telling them that an AirTag is nearby. This alert aims precisely to strengthen the security of beacons and to prevent them from being used to spy on people.

Apple Set of 4 AirTags

The alert thus warns that an unknown AirTag is nearby, and often occurs in the middle of the night. The application then offers to locate the AirTag in question more precisely, but the proposed map then makes no sense.

The users concerned then looked for the famous unknown AirTag in every nook and cranny without ever having found it… Apple evokes a problem of confusion in the location service of the smartphone which would sometimes be disturbed by the WiFi networks, then leading to display a alert for no real reason.


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