
Tesla CEO Elon Musk tweeted a seemingly sarcastic tweet on Sunday that he may die mysteriously.

He previously shared a letter purportedly written by Dmitry Rogozin, the head of the Russian space agency, to Russian media, which referred to the technical support provided by Musk’s SpaceX to Ukraine, saying Musk would be responsible for it. But the authenticity of the letter has not been confirmed.

Musk shared a translated version of the letter,And said: “If I die mysteriously, it’s nice to meet you,” adding “I’m sorry! I will try to live.”

Furthermore, it is worth mentioning that,Musk also tweeted about concerns about declining fertility, saying that if Japan’s fertility rate continues to decline, the country will eventually cease to exist.

Musk wrote: “Risk to say the obvious, unless something changes so that the birth rate exceeds the death rate, Japan will eventually cease to exist. This will be a huge loss for the world.”

Musk was responding to a Twitter account called “WholeMarsBlog”, which cited a report that mentioned Japan’s population will experience its largest-ever decline in 2021, dropping by 644,000 people, leaving the total population now only slightly Above 125.5 million.

Musk says cause of mysterious death may be revealed

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Responsible editor: Ruofengarticle error correction

Hashtags: Elon Musk’s death in Russia

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