The world is changing and the energy sector is one of the areas most affected by these changes. Indeed, with the current climate problems, it is more than urgent to switch to renewable energy. With this in mind, researchers have been looking for ways to turn skyscrapers into gravitational batteries.
An innovative idea based on lifts
With the climate crisis, humanity must act, especially with regard to energy production. And in this area, renewable energy remains the best option. Although it has been proven many times that green energy sources can perfectly meet the energy needs of human communities, there are still constraints that hinder the energy transition. Among these constraints is the storage of the energy produced. Luckily, we keep making advances in technology, and scientists have come up with a very original solution to this problem.
Researchers at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) have notably proposed turning skyscrapers into giant gravitational batteries. While this may sound very complicated, the concept described in the review Energy is actually quite simple: excess renewable energy can be stored as potential energy by using it to lift something heavy to a higher point. This energy can then be released by using gravity to power a sort of generator.
The elevators will thus be the centerpieces of this concept, since they will be equipped with an autonomous trailer device to carry the heavy objects necessary for the storage of potential energy. The empty spaces at the top and bottom of the buildings will also be used for the storage of objects to be transported. called Lift Energy Storage Technology (BALLAST), this concept is particularly interesting, insofar as its implication will not require major works and major investments since the skyscrapers are already equipped with elevators.

A very interesting concept, but which has its limits
Although there is still some work to be done, the costs will be greatly reduced insofar as the idea would be to use what already exists, but in a different way. Furthermore, the expenses incurred in setting up the system will be minimal compared to the benefits to be derived from this system. The main advantage being in particular that the buildings equipped with the BALLAST will be able to reduce their dependence on the central network. This will significantly reduce electricity bills and the central network, and improve the quality of electricity throughout the city.
In addition, it will also reduce community expenses. ” Coordinated use of these distributed resources mitigates the need to invest in large-scale central storage systems “, has explained Behnam Zakerico-author of the study, in a statement. Of course, further studies will be needed to make this concept a reality. In particular, researchers need to determine where the weights of the system can be stored at the top of the building when the system is fully loaded. They must also find a solution to distribute the weight enough to ensure that the ceilings do not collapse.
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